30/30 Devotional

Reading through the Bible is not always an easy task, yet for forty years my wife Connie has fulfilled this practice every year.  I cannot make the same claim.  However, many years ago I developed a plan to make the task much easier.   The Scripture says, “There is nothing new under the sun…” therefore, even though I believe the plan originated with me, there is always the possibility that I heard about it from a friend or teacher; I call it the 30/30 plan.  For forty years I have begun on the first day of January the 30/30 journey.  Over the years hundreds of people have asked me to share with them how they too can join the 30/30 devotional.  Simply put, there are thirty books in the Bible that can be read and meditated on in a reasonable amount of time.  Normally, less than 20 minutes.  When the reader sets his/her goal to read through the Bible, or at least a good portion of it, 30 books in 30 days, makes a lot of sense.  Some of the books have been purposely set aside for the weekend; they may take more time to digest.  Here are the planned weeks for your encouragement:

Week One starts off with seven Bible books that are easy to ready.  This helps us begin the journey and start the habit of daily readings: I John, II John, III John, I Peter, II Peter, Jude, and finally Malachi.

Week Two:  I Timothy, II Timothy, I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, Titus, Ephesians on Saturday and Galatians on Sunday.

Week Three:  Philemon, Naham, Jonah, Obadiah, Micah, Philippians on Saturday and James on Sunday.

Week Four:  Ruth, Joel, Haggai, Habakkuk, Colossians, Ezra on Saturday and Esther on Sunday.

The Balance:  Amos and then Zephaniah
